daveontrek.co.uk Links to Other Sites

These are links to sites that I have fond useful. They relate to either photography or travel.


Steve Razzetti Site by Steve Razzetti, a photographer and journalist. Excellent photos covering the Himalayas
Andrew Stevenson Andrew is an author and photographer. This site features some great shots of the Himalayas
Computer Darkroom Excellent site for anyone interested in digital imaging
Luminous Landscape Great landscape photography and loads of information about camera use and photography in general


Lonely Planet

Loads of travel tips, information about the destinations, bullet boards from other travellers, and up to date information about destinations.

KE Adventure Travel

Home site of KE Adventure Travel who I have trekked with on a number of occasions.

Classic Journeys

Home site of Classic Journeys who I have trekked with in the Langtang area of Nepal and who arranged an independent itinerary for me to India


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